IT Technichal

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we need it technologies

  • Android Trained Freshers( Core Java and Android)
  • Ul UX Freshers (HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap)
  • MVC ASP.NET Freshers ( MVC, ASP.NET, MSSeL Server, HTML, CSS, CSharp, JavaScript, Jeuery
  • Microsoft SQLServer Freshers
  • Android Experienced (Core Java and Android)
  • Ul UX Experienced (HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap)
  • MVC ASP.NET Experienced ( MVC, MSSQL Server, HTML, CSS, CSharp, JQuery)
  • Microsoft SQLServer Experienced
  • Software Developers and programmers
  • B-Tech : C.S.E, E.C.E, lT, EEE
  • Graduates and Post Graduates.

You have to submit the xerox copies of Aadharcard, pass port& Degree Ceritificate along with your mail id and Cell nos.

We will charge Rs.270/- towards KYC documents verification charges which is not refundable.

Our Bank details:

Account Holder
RPS IT Solutions and Manpower Supply
Bank Name
lClCl Bank
Account No.
IFSC code No.
Our Mail Id